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Energetic Explosion Ganbaruger (元気爆発ガンバルガー Genki Bakuhatsu Ganbarugā?) is a 1992 anime television series created by Tomy and Sunrise. It is the second installment in the Eldran Series


When Kotarō and his father, Tōbei Kirigakure, accidentally rip apart a seal that kept the Demon King of the Great Demon World, Gokuaku, under wraps, Eldran appears once again to protect the Earth by entrusting the robot named Ganbaruger to Kotaro and his friends Rikiya and Yōsuke, who then become the Ganba Team. He then forces Gokuaku back down into the abyss and repairs the seal.

However, Gokuaku sent out one of his servants, the dark wizard Yaminorius III, from beyond the restored seal, to work to break the seal and turn the Earth into another part of the Great Demon World. To this end, he uses Demon World Beasts to cause chaos, which Ganbaruger protects the Earth from.

Kotarō's father, while battling Yaminorius III, is turned into a dog via a powerful magic curse. The three members of the Ganba Team also fall under this curse, but are not turned into dogs straight away; rather the curse will activate when their identities are revealed, and as such they must live as secret heroes until the Great Demon World is finally defeated.


Ganba Team[]

Great Demon World[]

  • Gokuaku
  • Yaminorius III


Combination Chart Ganbaruger

Combinations up to Great Ganbaruger.

Ganbaruger is initially given to the Ganba Team by Eldran to protect the human world from being conquered by Gokuaku and Yaminorius of the Great Demon World. Revolger and Gekiryuger are introduced later in the series to match the enemy's growing power.


Episode Number Japanese Title English Title
1 ロボットみ~っけ! Robots Discovered!
2 超能力を大はっけん! A Big discovery of superpowers!
3 秘密がばれちゃう?! Our secret will be discovered
4 決闘! バイオリン合戦 Duel! Violin Battle
5 ケーキが逃げた!? The Cake Ran Away!?
6 とんでとんで家庭訪問 Fly, Fly, to a Home Visit!
7 町が砂場に大変身! The City's turned into a Sandbox!
8 ピンチ! ガンバルガー Ganbaruger in a Pinch
9 超能力でミラクル野球 Miracle Baseball with Superpowers
10 イカタコ兄弟(ブラザーズ)参上! Octopus-Squid Brothers Appear!
11 鷹介はビリビリ人間!! Yōsuke's a Bzzt Human!
12 青空町が歩き出す!? Aozora City is Starting to Walk!?
13 合言葉はケーロケロ The Password is Ribbit-Ribbit!
14 魔界クジラが空を飛ぶ Demon World Whale Flies through the Sky
15 出てこい! リボルガー Come out! Revolger
16 力哉対ガンバルガー Rikiya vs. Ganbaruger
17 恐怖! 魔界の落とし穴 Fear! The Trap of the Demon World
18 ドッキリ魔界肝だめし Shocking Demon World Courage Test
19 走れ! 逆転ラーメン Run! Reversal Ramen
20 そんなバナナ大決戦 That banana's decisive battle
21 ゴクアーク復活! Gokuaku Revives!
22 誕生! ゲキリュウガー Birth! Gekiryuger
23 ききいっぱつの大合体 Close Call Great Combination
24 激突! まんがパニック Clash! Comic Panic
25 ビックリ! 透明人間 Surprise! Invisible Man
26 魔界獣はコックさん! The Demon World Beast is a Cook!
27 出た! シノビガンバー He's Here! Shinobi Ganba
28 大荒れミラクル運動会 A Big Uproar! Miracle Sports Day
29 磁石でクッツキング! Magnetic Attract-King!
30 宇宙サイズで大暴れ! Universe-sized Great Rampage
31 タイムスリップ青空町 Time Slip in Aozora City
32 風船バスでフ〜ワフワ Floating Balloon Bus
33 かすみ対ガンバルガー Kasumi vs. Ganbaruger
34 魔界キッカイ!? 学芸会 Demon World Outrageous School Play
35 がんばれ! 出前一人旅 Go For It! One's own delivery!
36 虎太郎がいっぱい!? Bunch of Kotaro's!
37 コタツでデッドヒート Dead Heat with Kotatsu!
38 正義のヤミノリウス!? Yaminorius of Justice!?
39 サンタは街の大泥棒! Santa is the City's Great Thief!
40 ヒーローはモチ嫌い!? Hero has Rice Cake Phobia!?
41 愛した人は魔法使い The Loved One is a Magician
42 驚き強敵! 大マジック Astonishing enemy! Great Magic
43 完全無欠のデート作戦 Absolutely Perfect Date Operation
44 大魔界の大秘密! The Great Secret of the Great Demon World
45 三大魔王、大復活! Grand Revival of the Three Great Demon Kings!
46 おれたちは元気爆発! We're an Energetic Explosion!
47 最終最後の大決戦! The Ultimate Final Great Showdown!